

This page lists all the built-in global static functions, which are evaluated at the time of building the Tact project and cannot work with non-constant, run-time data. These functions are commonly referred to as "compile-time functions".


fun address(s: String): Address;

A compile-time function that converts a String with an address into the Address type.

Usage example:

contract Example {
    // Persistent state variables
    addr: Address =
        address("EQCD39VS5jcptHL8vMjEXrzGaRcCVYto7HUn4bpAOg8xqB2N"); // works at compile-time!


fun cell(bocBase64: String): Cell;

A compile-time function that embeds a base64-encoded BoC (opens in a new tab) bocBase64 as a Cell into the contract.

Usage example:

contract Example {
    // Persistent state variables
    storedCell: Cell =
        // Init package for Wallet V3R1 as a base64-encoded BoC
        cell("te6cckEBAQEAYgAAwP8AIN0gggFMl7qXMO1E0NcLH+Ck8mCDCNcYINMf0x/TH/gjE7vyY+1E0NMf0x/T/9FRMrryoVFEuvKiBPkBVBBV+RDyo/gAkyDXSpbTB9QC+wDo0QGkyMsfyx/L/8ntVD++buA="); // works at compile-time!


fun ton(value: String): Int;

A compile-time function that converts the given Toncoins value from a human-readable format String to the nanoToncoin Int format.

Usage example:

contract Example {
    // Persistent state variables
    one: Int = ton("1");            // 10^9 nanoToncoins, which is equal to one Toncoin
    pointOne: Int = ton("0.1");     // 10^8 nanoToncoins, which is equal to 0.1 Toncoin
    nano: Int = ton("0.000000001"); // 1 nanoToncoin, which is equal to 10^-9 Toncoins
                                    // works at compile-time!